时间:2024-08-17 23:17
大连外国语大学专升本《英语》考试大纲(2016年)【指定参考教材】1.《现代大学英语》1-4 册,杨立民主编,外语教学与研究出版社2.《Step by Step3000 英语听力入门》1-4 册,张民伦主编,华东师范大学出版社二、考试题型1、综合英语I. Word Spelling (20 points, 10 questions)II. Word Derivation (20 points, 10 questions)III. Banked Cloze (20 points, 10 questions)IV. Translate the following sentences into English (20 points, 5 sentences)V. Prepositions and Adverbs (multiple choice) (20 points, 20 questions)VI. Grammar and Structure (multiple choice) (20 points, 20 questions)VII. Reading Comprehension (multiple choice) (30 points, 30 questions)VIII. Writing (50 points)2、英语听说(听力)I. Spot Dictation (twice) (10 points, 10 questions)II. Multiple Choice Questions (twice) (20 points, 10 questions)III. True/ False Questions (twice) (10 points, 10 questions)IV. Answer Questions (twice) (20 points, 8 questions)3、英语听说(口试)I. Read the following text and be prepared to answer some questions aboutthe text. (20 points)Page 2 of 2II. Free Discussion (20 points)三、关于考试使用教材的说明由于各学校使用的教材不同,考试过程中考生普遍感到困难,为缓解这一教与学、学与考之间的矛盾,同时也为了使学生从专科向本科的顺利过渡,我们建议考生所在学校将下列教材作为辅助教材使用,以便使考生有所准备。 |